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Fragrance of influence Group Coaching

Are You Ready to Embrace Your Feminine Divine Power and Manifest?

You’ve got all it takes to penetrate any barrier seeking to stop you from maximizing your
potential and become the woman of influence you were born to be.

Do you have these thoughts?

Are You Thinking “Leadership Is Not For Me”?

You find it so hard as a woman to embrace and see yourself as one who a creative God marvellously designed to rule and reign in your sphere of influence,

You dont believe you can positively impact the world, nor do they think you possess the gift of leadership. You’ve embraced the myth “think manager-think male’.

Kind words from clients...

"A Never-Before-Felt Clarity."

Coach Adesayo is simply phenomenal. I experienced a never-before-felt clarity during the last Fragrance of Influence masterclass. Every woman should experience her coaching to release the fragrance of their influence.


Does This Sound Like You?


You find it hard to embrace and see yourself as someone who is designed to rule and reign in your sphere of influence. You feel you are small or insignificant.


You feel there are barriers – physical, psychological, and sociocultural barriers – that limits you to become a leader of immense influence. It’s like an invisible wall and you don’t know how to penetrate or overcome these barriers


You associate leadership and masculinity. It’s a man’s world and everything is rigged in a man’s favour, so why try?


You believe leadership is a result of inherent birth traits in the personality and nature of an individual. You think of yourself as a follower because leadership qualities are not yours by

You're not alone

You Believe This Because...

You have been conditioned. You believe a woman is to be seen not heard. The odds seem to be
stacked against you.

In a mutually interdependent world where you have no absolute control over everything you
choose to do. You are either being influenced by others or exerting influence simply by being
who you are. Everything you do affects or changes someone else’s behaviour, thoughts, or actions for good or ill; this is influence.

  1. As a survivor of childhood neglect, abuse, and trauma, I am a full package of good ideals, strength over adversity, and imperfections turned into benefits. I have helped women become aware of their identity and draw on reserves of strength, courage, creativity, and resilience that may otherwise lay dormant in them; and invigorate their courage to connect to their purpose to impact and influence the world.

In the fragrance of influence group coaching community:

You will get unequalled support from like-minded women in different stages of life, 

. you will learn how to influence your close circles and the world at large, you will have access to the latest self-care and business building tools, 

.You will learn how to understand and build self-esteem and confidence to develop a solid spiritual life.

Imagine the Possibility

What if I Told You There Was a Better Way?

Imagine if it were possible. Imagine what it will feel like when you understand who you are, the unique fragrance you carry and how to use it to influence and live a fulfilling life. Imagine how it is not to be carried away by various teachings and stereotypes; you are living authentically, daily living in purpose leaving a lasting positive impression in the minds of others and you feel accomplished.

Your life BEFORE the program

Your life AFTER the program


Fragrance of influence Premium Community.

The legacy and proof of a woman’s powerful influence, feminine quality tied to her personhood,
and sense of identity

The Modules

Here's What You'll Learn

Vital elements to exploring, creating, and embracing your signature fragrance of influence. In my experience and in discovering and embracing signature fragrance, I have seen these key
directions featured, so its genuine, proven, and tested.

Module 1

You will learn how to:

Module 2

You will also learn how to:

Module 3

You will learn how to:

The Modules

Bonuses (value $297)

Enroll now and you’ll also get these 3 bonus trainings totally FREE!

35 ways to love yourself checklist

($149 value)

Unravel The Mystery of You Worksheet

($149 value)

Become Whole Again Workbook

($149 value)

Unlimited access to the resource vault

Monthly live Coaching Sessions

Accountability to improve your biz

Study at the pace that works for YOU

You'll also get

The Support You Will Have Access To...

Weekly Group Call

Private facebook group

Transformational Workbooks

Choose the payment plan

That’s a Total Value of over $800

monthly payment of


Is the Fragrance of Influence Group Coaching for Me?

This is NOT for you if:

This is perfect for you if:

Satisfaction Guarantee

14 Days Money-Back Guarantee

If after 14 days, you are not satisfied for any reason. You may request for a refund and you will receieve it with NO questions asked. 

– Mojoyin Alex

"Success Stories of Our Clients"

“Coach Adesayo is simply phenomenal. I experienced a never-before-felt clarity during the last Fragrance of Influence masterclass. Every woman should experience her coaching to release the fragrance of their influence.”

How it works

Here’s What Happens When You Subscribe

Follow the steps below to get on board the Fragrance of Influence Group Coaching Program

Enroll Now

Click the link on the button below to subscribe, please note that you will be charged $99 monthly

Receive an email

You will receive an email with a link that connects you to Fragrance of Influence Coaching community

Instant access

You will get instant access to coaching, group activities and our library of resources.

Meet your coach

Hello, I'm Dr Adesayo,

I’m a coach and mentor. For over two decades, I have developed practical tools, taught, and mentored women and girls to be their best. I am passionate about helping girls and women live fulfilled.

I am a mentor on a mission to empower women and girls. I can help you discover your purpose and guide you to become an  influence the world..

With me as your coach, you will unravel your identity, leverage on your unique gifts & strengths to  make a lasting impact and live your best life.

Featured in:

SuBScribe Now

Ready to Attain The Highest Version of Yourself?



Frequently Asked Questions

Fragrance of Influence group coaching is an ongoing program, You can subscribe and join us at any time during the month.

You will have 100% access to the community, coaching and resources as long as you have a valid subscription.

If after 14 days, you are not satisfied for any reason. You may request for a refund and you will receive it with NO questions asked. 

Get in touch

Don’t See Your Question in the FAQ’s?

I love connecting with you and answering your burning questions about the Online Course Name. You can email us directly at here and we’ll return the favor within 24 business hours.